Primavera Porto: the somewhat delayed DiS review
You can stop with your panicking - our review is here»
Corpsey has written the following articles:
It really is the individual riffs that are the real stars here»
Plenty to offer the patient listener with a taste for the avant-garde»
Welcome To the Present isn’t relaxing or interesting enough»
There’s a more nuanced, skilled band lurking in here and it will be interesting to see if they're allowed to emerge»
Repentless is, fundamentally, a Slayer album, no more, no less»
John Peel famously said of The Fall that they were 'always different, always the same': well, Motörhead are just always the same»
If you enjoy ambient piano loops you’ll be extremely well served»
You can stop with your panicking - our review is here»
Whatever mysterious criteria one uses to rate drone albums Bong easily exceed in all of them»
Perhaps one shouldn’t hang the stultification of an entire musical genre on Crocodiles. But they are symptomatic of a wider malaise»
Sometimes music just doesn’t move you like it should.»
Ritual In Repeat might just be the finest pop record you hear this summer, and maybe even this whole year.»
This is clearly a band with a lot of exciting places to go.»
Heavy as balls and really fun.»
What are this new Gang of Four like? Well, not all that good it turns out»
An experiment that was worth undertaking.»
The songs might not be classics quite yet but the sounds on offer here suggest that the best of Siskiyou might yet be ahead.»
Rip This is utterly tedious.»
A partnership with lots of promise that doesn’t really deliver much.»
As loud, rocking and tight as hell as one could hope for»
People are very, very glad to have Death from Above 1979 back in their lives»
The best thing about Swans, and especially early Swans, is their sheer nihilism.»
It’s great that Electric Wizard are still around and are still pushing the limits of heavy music - not just for metal itself, but for British metal in particular.»
When the ‘less’ is as good as some of the songs in the second half, it’s easy to see why you might want more.»
Volume X is their appropriately-titled tenth album. It's like early Metallica if they somehow discovered analogue synths.»
Plucky New York-based cousins Javelin’s live act sounds like a spectacle worth seeing. Using an FM transmitter to broadcast the si»
Husbands is a very compelling and enjoyable listen, and as far as inducing a particular mood goes, it's near faultless. »
Chapman seems to have no real sense of direction for this album, and thus the end result is wholly unfulfilling.»
Those who enjoy their indie-rock beautiful, intelligent and exquisitely constructed have been well served this year, with the debu»
Just to clear it up first: this particular Hot Gossip is not related to the British dance troupe of the same name responsible for »