"We’re quite uncomfortable with people doing stuff for us" - DiS meets Field Music
David and Peter Brewis talk about what it means to be from the North East, new album Commontime, and what DIY really means...»
Browno has written the following articles:
The Teal Album is an indulgence, but Weezer have earned it on the basis of sheer persistency»
It's abundantly clear that there’s life in the Manics yet»
By now it is clear that Field Music are a truly special band»
It feels like a mission statement for a band who deserve the utmost credit for using their platform to stand up so vehemently for their beliefs»
It’s always gratifying to see a good band moving towards being a great one»
Impressions is a thing to cherish»
The world needs Martha, now more than ever»
The most rewarding albums are often the ones which come out of nowhere and take you completely unawares, and Malody is such a piece of work»
An album which has meant the world to a hell of a lot of people»
David and Peter Brewis talk about what it means to be from the North East, new album Commontime, and what DIY really means...»
Is it necessarily a bad thing that it’s the work of seconds to suss out where this album’s going to take you?»
An artist who is genuinely without parallel»
The Pink Noise is a record which is brimming with life»
A late contender for one of the nicest surprises of the year»
The Spook School have nailed it better than pretty much anyone in recent memory here.»
One of the liveliest and most enjoyable debuts of the year so far»
Contradictions is catchy in a completely different way to Maximo Park»
What The Secret History, Vol. 1 means to you will depend on what exactly you’re looking to get out of it»
An unquestionably lovely addition to their impeccable discography»
Decency is at its best when Heartstrings are indulging their knack for straight up, grin-on-its-face pop music»
Leaves you feeling like an uncomfortable interloper at someone else’s party»
There's many reasons to like Max Levy aka King of Cats»
Something which by their own high standards is a bit underwhelming.»
Welcome Back To Milk represents another triumph in a weird and wonderful saga»
There’s not a millisecond wasted, not the slightest sliver of fat in evidence»
A creative tour de force which marks the arrival of a new pop maverick.»
Nadine Shah is no longer ‘one to watch for the future’, but a bona fide creative force in the here and now»
A fantastically assured record which does everything a second LP should.»
With The Sea Beach Beach have created an album which is, in essence, timeless»
A real three dimensional treat»