DiS meets Frank Turner: "I try not to wander through life with an extremely high opinion of myself"
Since his emergence with 2013's Tape Deck Heart, Frank Turner has been essentially two very different versions of himself...»
LukeBeardsworth has written the following articles:
This is the best album Garvey has worked on since The Seldom Seen Kid»
An excuse to revisit an album if you already love»
Since his emergence with 2013's Tape Deck Heart, Frank Turner has been essentially two very different versions of himself...»
It doesn’t take itself too seriously»
the best Dead Weather record to date as well as standing up very well next to any of the work White has ever created»
They’ve not quite spunked all their creativity up the wall»
Oh V Festival. What a truly unfortunate reputation you seem to have.»
The bright moments on this album will probably go sadly unrecognised due to the beige that surrounds them»
Another special year at Kendal Calling»
Automatic feels like a step back for a band that was never making huge leaps to begin with.»
Kendal Calling doesn’t attract the coverage that goes the way of the other boutique festivals»
This is comfortably the best effort from Matt Mondanile to date»
Still brilliant in all the ways it has always been»
Depends on your determination to reward the very obvious talent and creativity of Lee Bannon with your time»
An album to obsess over on sleepless nights.»
This band will not change your life.»
The wait for Unguarded has been worth it.»
The Mindsweep is Enter Shikari at their most inspirational and consistent and as a result, their best record yet.»
Maybe Tempest needs to be more focused on one particular path to keep her from being a jack-of-all-trades but master-of-only-some.»
Nestled in the Lake District, Kendal Calling is one of the most gorgeous festivals in what is a flooded market.»
Love Without Fear doesn’t bring anything new to the table and indeed, doesn’t even try to.»
It’s been a long journey for Simone Felice to get to the point of releasing Strangers, his second solo album...»
Foster the People have created a dark, introspective, yet thoroughly catchy record that proves they deserve the success that they’ve created for themselves with ‘Pumped Up Kicks’.»
There’s a nagging feeling that those derivative misses aren't so much accidental misfires as born out of a writer keen to remain free of the pressures of success.»
An album which is always solid but rarely spectacular.»