On Unity And Not Giving In: Conor Oberst @ La Maroquinerie, Paris
A welcome escape from the grinding churn of negativity»
JSkins has written the following articles:
A work that is both comfortable and comforting in the best possible way»
It feels special in an intangible way»
Kasher is on sparkling form here»
The inverse of Oberst’s 2016 set in every way»
A welcome escape from the grinding churn of negativity»
For the most part Let It Be You is a treat»
Its stripped-back songs are fragile things»
There is some devastating music on Are You Serious, and there is some beautiful music, too»
Answers aren’t easy to come by on the affecting, powerful In Search of Harperfield and it’s all the more enthralling for it»
An elegy for youth that’s still being lived, mistakes, triumphs and all.»
In a small, hot bar on a chilly November evening in Barcelona it is a joy to listen to John Darnielle elucidate, explain, and gleefully thrash his way through his bruised, raggedly beautiful songs»
There’s gas in the tank yet…»
There’s nothing tacky or horrendous or artificial about It’s a Holiday Soul Party at all»
Newsom is a warm, self-deprecating presence in a show that reaches dazzling heights»
It might be her most welcoming, immediately absorbing work to date»
A sense of how much Stevens’ songs mean to people - the solace and peace they provide - is palpable, in an initially uneasy but ultimately magnificent performance»
Prass is an absolute charmer, and the emotional weight of her songs is occasionally devastating»
Opportunity comes with any fresh start, and that’s what it feels like Holter is setting herself up for here»
Featuring Kendrick Lamar, Ms. Lauryn Hill, Damian ‘Jr. Gong’ Marley, The Cat Empire, FFS (Franz Ferdinand and Sparks) and more»
Begs you stop to sit and think»
Featuring The War on Drugs, Father John Misty, Mourn, Hinds, Andrew Bird and more»
There is much to enjoy in I Aubade if you’re willing to pay attention»
It is clear that the band are as sharp and incisive as they ever were first time round»
As Barcelona's Sónar and Primavera Sound festivals become larger and ever-more popular, two enormously appealing alternatives have emerged in their wake.»
A sad, beautiful record marked by uncommon tenderness.»
The overwhelming impression of Natalie Prass is one of triumph; of beauty both wrangled out of and amplified immeasurably by loss.»
Oberst has his detractors, but at his best he’s capable of writing songs that possess a timeless quality.»
DiS called Okkervil River bandleader Will Sheff in his hometown of Meriden, New Hampshire.»
rkives works as a celebration of Rilo Kiley's brilliant run, a deserved swan song for the band, and, unexpectedly, as a fine introduction to them, too.»
We sent some questions over to Anais Mitchell & Jefferson Hamer regards their collaborative Child Ballads LP., and received not only these thoughtful responses, but also an extensive track-by-track walkthrough of the album, presented here alongside a selection of Peter Nevins' stunning print artwork.»