Mogwai @ Meltdown
The post-rock band delight with a set drawn from across their back catalogue»
chrisshipman has written the following articles:
The Smashing Pumpkins in 2018 are an anachronism»
Nine albums in, Death Cab for Cutie are just about holding it together»
The post-rock band delight with a set drawn from across their back catalogue»
It’s brutal and brilliant stuff»
A Perfect Circle’s return to active duty as a living, breathing band is broadly speaking a good thing for the hard rock scene»
In his mid-thirties, Gothenburg’s favourite son remains a vital artist»
Can Mekudeshet Festival demonstrate that tolerance, inclusivity, and cooperation can exist in a land of conflict?»
Chris Shipman finds that a shortened Sleep is no substitute for the full eight hours...»
What it lacks in structural polish, it makes up for in quality»
A rich, dense and rewarding album»
A solid – if imperfect – debut which demonstrates a serious talent whose star will undoubtedly ascend»
An album where threat and violence sit ever on the edge of things»
It’s these generations of men, and the communities they called home that filmmaker Bill Morrison and composer Jóhann Jóhannsson have turned their focus to for this collaboration...»
From the Sea to the Land Beyond sees British Sea Power operating on a different level.»
Alarm bells probably started to sound around Later… When the TV turned to Static when Glasvegas frontman, former footballer, and self-styled people’s poet James Allan opted to record the band’s third album on Pavarotti’s mixing desk...»
Me Moan is a remarkable record that takes a genre rooted in formulae and clichés – country – and spins it into something fresh, compelling and edgy.»
Inspiring stuff indeed.»