Hey, remember a few weeks back when we reported about the new Tune-Yards record!? Well, now there's a track from the record you can download for free! With a little bit of difficulty (via Pitchfork).
The track is called 'Bizness' and can be streamed and downloaded using that bespoke embedded player below. You do have to sign up to the mailing list to download the track...only you don't, as the entry field for the e-mail address won't take "@" signs or even a full stop, which kind of makes it hard, so just put in any old gobbledegook, like I did. It works. EDIT: This one should be fine...
The second record from Tune-Yards comes out on April 18 through 4AD. It's called w h o k i l l. Who kill what, exactly? Who kill the radio star? A snippet of the album art can be seen in the header image.