I caught an evil virus on Friday, which may or may not of sent itself to you or you via someone who could of caught it off me or where I caught it from.
Basically, the evil beeeyatch of a virus comes in the form of an e-mail, which you would of already sent to someone, with a copy of the original message followed by "see the attachment" and no other message. If you get it do not open the file else it will send the virus to everyone you've ever mailed, randomly. And so on and so forth.
If you have it, or want more details (apparently it's in the top 10 worse viruses at the moment) goto: http://vil.nai.com/vil/virusSummary.asp?virus_k=99069
Sorry if you got it but there was nothing I could do about it. I am all cleared now tho. So don't worry if you get mail from me from now on.