It’s been a couple of weeks now since that pilot issue [click it to read it] of D-FragMCR In The City. That was exclusively on Drowned In and you lot must’ve enjoyed it enough to get yourselves on this here mailing list. Hiya! Or I just added you to the list without you knowing it. Cheeky, but hiya! Or you're reading this off the site again. Hmmmm...
I n t r o
I am Raz and welcome to De-Frag MCR. If you’re wondering now, “Who the hell is he and what the hell does that mean?” then I shall explain…
R a z : I’m the Drowned in Sound man that tried to everything. I live in London because that’s where the house is but I do the university thang in Manchester because it’s so much cheaper. It makes a difference, believe me. Click that link to my author profile down below and see exactly what I’m about. I’ve got to have done something that you’ll like!
D - F r a g M C R : This is going to be a regular gig guide to Manchester. There already is one for London and it was going so swimmingly that I decided to make the 2nd part of it. Manchester is, after all, the city of the North, the official 2nd city of England, blah and blah. And the name is significant. Promise. Y’know that hard disc defragmentation option that nobody ever does? Well it’s meant to put all the little related bits of data together from all over your hard disc so that your computer can use them that bit more easily. That’s what this does. It’s gonna bring you all the gigs from all over MCR and put them in 1 place. So you can use the info that bit more easily. Making sense? Ignore it and read on then…
Here is the very first edition of D-FragMCR, imaginatively titled “D-Frag MCR #1”! Call it a premiere if you will; tell me it stinks; tell me what glaring errors I’ve made; tell me who I missed out, and where; tell me you love me - send it all to This is it!
Gigs for the week… Monday September 30…Sunday October 6
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@ Roadhouse…SIKTH…they play their home countied brutalistic metal AT you and won’t you just know it. It’s filthy stuff and for all you metalheads out there you’re going to love it.
@ Manc Uni…TERRY CALLIER…perhaps sir would prefer a touch of jazz for tonight. No?
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@ Manc Uni…McALMONT & BUTLER…it’s like when you dump your girlfriend because you fancy a change and you realise you can’t do anything right without her. They’re back heralding their swooning pop sensibilities and you can’t help but coo.
@ Manc Uni…HELL IS FOR HEROES…MERCURY TILT SWITCH…or go upstairs and rock out to some of the stuff guitars (and music television) were made for.
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@ Manc Uni…MIGHTY MIGHTY BOSSTONES…and skank. It always seems to long since these punkers came round last.
@ Manc Uni…PARKINSONS…the best Portuguese punk band around do the Pistols in Manchester as part of their tour. It’s clearly punk night at the Uni.
@ Roadhouse…MARTIN GRECH…polished crooning for expensive looking adverts. I dunno, but I reckon it’s gonna seem totally out of place here.
@ Night & Day…THE KILLS…it’s just rock n roll baby
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@ Roadhouse…JETPLANE LANDING…isn’t this some sort of Irish pop-punk? Isn’t this really good? Aren’t they really good? They’ve played a DiS gig. They must be.
@ Apollo…DARREN HAYES…him out of Savage Garden who sold loads of records earlier this year. Go with yer mum.
@ Manc Uni…DIVINE COMEDY…BEN FOLDS…it’s a split headline tour and there is no way the stage will bore you: 2 of the most interesting and charismatic performers on the same stage. Genius.
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*gig of the week* @ Manchester University
…PITCHSHIFTER…need they an introduction? In a nutshell: sample-filled electro metal at it’s warped best. But crack that crust and go see. GO! GO!! GO!!! It rocks
…thisGIRL…possibly the most exciting new band I’ve come across recently blending ATD-I with Dinosaur Jr. with verbal diarrhoea and it comes out tasting great: =EmO= rock |m/
…KENNEDY SOUNDTRACK…the less said the better. Just close your eyes and try to have fun. Or get to the bar
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@ Manc Uni…ALEC EMPIRE…it’s him! That German bloke who is dead angry and plays all that dirty electro metal! He’s dead good he is!
@ Manc Uni…THE CORAL…oh god. Why do people persist in liking this Scally wankery?
@ Apollo…MORCHEEBA…oh we do like to be beside the seaside.
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@ Manc Uni…JERRY CANTRELL…it’s gonna be a night of gumbie-watch cos The Boy Cantrell is back in town and, oh dear, his solo work sounds just like some band called Alice in Chains. It sounds suitably familiar. It also sounds suitably brill.
@ Manc Uni…DIO…metal, heavy metal.
@ Manc Uni…ILL NINO…it’s like a less intense Soulfly and a more credible Linkin Park. It’s actually very, very good.
@ Bridgewater Hall…BETH ORTON…aaah the 1st lady of folk music returns to an undoubtedly rapturous applause and much love. She never did suit that trailer park.
@ Ritz…SAINT ETIENNE…bouncy folk-tinted indie pop comes to town. They’re well weathered so it’s hardly gonna be crap.
Well that’s all for the first D-Frag MCR mail-out! You can enjoy more about the wonderful adventures of MCR this time next week. Help your friends enjoy it too by forwarding this too them and get them to SUBSCRIBE!!!
See you soon
This was a free service courtesy of Raz @ Drowned In
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