Back in August, we invited readers to submit questions to anti-folk icon of some renown Jeffrey Lewis. As a twist, Lewis – also an acclaimed cartoonist – would answer selected questions with a picture. Here, we present the answers to five submitted questions (see full list here).
If you are one of the users whose name and question appears below, e-mail mike DOT diver AT drownedinsound DOT com right away, with your address, to be sent your one-of-a-kind original piece of art. If you do not get in touch, we will frame ‘em and put them on our walls. They are very nice, you see.
What would you do if, whilst you were on stage playing a gig, your guitar suddenly turned into some awful strange hybrid zombie/monster guitar and began to attack you, the microphone and whatever else lay within its stringy reach?
takemesomewherenice, 20, Sheffield

Do you think Mark E Smith is slowly turning into Stephen Hawking (looks-wise, that is)?
Slashclub 1.

What's your favo(u)rite colo(u)r ice cream?
tylerhf 15.

What does the Creature with the Atom Brain look like?
goo, User, Male

What is the best way to wear an octopus?
jellybones, 22, male.

Jeffrey Lewis’ 12 Crass Songs LP is out now on Rough Trade (review); his MySpace site can be found HERE.