J_Watt has written the following articles:

30 Seconds To Mars - LOVE LUST FAITH + DREAMS
The guitars have been traded for synths, the melodrama hiked up to unbearable levels, and the palpable energy found on previous albums is glaringly absent.»

Daniel Johnston - Space Ducks
Space Ducks is a must have for fans, and a superb introduction for those unfamiliar with Daniel Johnston's work.»

Fall Out Boy - Save Rock and Roll
Save Rock and Roll isn't life or game changing but it's probably the album Fall Out Boy needed to make.»

And So I Watch You from Afar - All Hail Bright Futures
The new elements And So I Watch You From Afar attempt to integrate here veer between unnecessary or downright obnoxious.»

John Grant - Pale Green Ghosts
There's the occasional dud, and occasional dull moment, but Pale Green Ghosts mostly succeeds in expanding John Grant's musical palette, and his wry, knowing observations and lyricism remain as sharp as ever. »

Bullet For My Valentine - Temper Temper
Ultimately it is telling that the best song present here is a re-imagining of a previous smash. But leveling criticisms of unoriginality or lack of innovation and evolution at bands like Bullet for My Valentine is almost redundant.»

Girl Band - France 98
Very little here feels immediate, requiring several listens before songs unravel and stick in your head, and the atmosphere remains steadfastly thick and choking throughout. But it's a minor criticism as the songs present are well worth the time needed to appreciate Girl Band. »

Funeral For A Friend - Conduit
Perhaps the most important thing about Conduit is that for the first time Funeral for a Friend sound free of their weighty legacy.»

This Town Needs Guns -
Much credit to This Town Needs Guns for at least attempting the road less travelled, even if the musical terrain here can feel flat.»

Pinback - Information Retreived
Even the most ardent of fans may find themselves somewhat irked to be given essentially the same album, from the same band for the fourth time.»