Bear In Heaven's Beast Rest Forth Mouth was an unexpected delight from last year. The remix album they released was pretty decent, too. Today's good news is that they have just confirmed the release of their next album (via Pitchfork). The name? I Love You, It's Cool which will be released through Dead Oceans in April.
A common thing for bands to do is stream the album or a particular track in advance of its release. Well, Bear In Heaven are doing that. Sort of. They are streaming the whole record once through from now until April 3. This means that it's played at 400,000 per cent slower than the real thing. Go here to listen to it.
According to a press release and indeed that Pitchfork article, the record stream is a "comment on the current state of album promotion, hype cycles, countdowns and all the marketing ploys that we accept as a reality of existing within an internet age." Watch a well-shot video below.
A nice moment during the dust cloud from Bear In Heaven on Vimeo.