DiS meets Jenny Lewis & Johnathan Rice
DiS meets Jenny Lewis and Johnathan Rice (aka 'Jenny and Johnny') to talk about their debut album.»
geordiedave1981 has written the following articles:
So long Mike, and thanks for all the brandy.»
Violet Cries is a record of exceptional class and calibre, a band doing things in a comprehensively new way.»
You can never quite throw your net over Disappears. They change their shape and form too swiftly to be effectively pinned down. »
The most frustrating thing about Under Streetlight Glow is that it has so much potential left unused and unsatisfied »
If We Are Enfant Terrible had been the house band at the battle of Agincourt, there would have been a lot less arrows and a lot more jester hats… »
Travels in Lowland has something gorgeously different about it. »
Daft Punk have finally proved that after all, they indeed are human. And it is a wondrous, spellbinding epiphany. »
It ambles, it slouches; it says little of consequence.»
DiS meets Jenny Lewis and Johnathan Rice (aka 'Jenny and Johnny') to talk about their debut album.»
For all its brief swoops of beauty and quirky intrigue, there is something ultimately unsatisfying about Leche. »
A simple and enticing collection of musical flavours and tastes from two people who seem to be having the time of their lives.»
In direct comparison to the almost unanimous excellence of their back catalogue, Heavy Sky does come across as a slight stoop in stature. That said, a modest release by 65daysofstatic still effortlessly surpasses the majority of their peers. »
Anika is an unhinged record that isn’t easy to look squarely in the eye. But the reward is in the depth and sheer bewilderment of every single creak, croak and crackle.»
It is laudable for Paul Smith to try and eschew the eccentric frontman label in favour of something more cerebral. But in attempting to reach for the moon, he ends up merely stalled and snagged, dangling awkwardly from an unwieldy scaffold of clumsy platitude and hollow couplets.»
It is easy to simply appreciate the captivating nature of the songs; yet the true reward is found in understanding the method behind the madness, the preparation behind the party. »
One oddity of Aberfeldy’s third record, conceived in the twilight of lead singer Riley Briggs recent heartache is that… well, it’s relatively chipper. »