dartsplayerswives has written the following articles:

James Yorkston - Folk Songs
In the course of dutifully checking some dates pertaining to James Yorkston’s back catalogue, the man’s Wikipedia entry alerted me»

Gay Against You - Righteous Signals, Sour Dudes
If Gay Against You became a very big band, chances are it would mean – well, chances are it would mean that brain-melting shit had»

Anatomist - Ingrate
Anatomist is a man who lives in Cardiff who could properly be addressed as Neil Sweet if, I don’t know, you were to get the Megabu»

Einstellung - Wings Of Desire
The writer of this review is not a member of Einstellung, does not know Einstellung and has never knowingly met any of the members»

The Dead Weather - Horehound
A combination of a prolific workrate and that ever-present punk rock guilt goes into the debut album by Jack White’s newest band T»

Jackie-O Motherfucker - Ballads Of The Revolution
Anyone who attends performances of improvised or otherwise ‘experimental’ music with any sort of regularity will probably be famil»

Bibio - Ambivalence Avenue
You guys are OK with me judging a book by its cover, right? Sweet: let’s ponder the truly puzzling artwork that adorns the fifth B»

Current 93 - Aleph At Hallucinatory Mountain
Their reputation precedes them, and trepidation often greets them. Current 93, the sonic child of David Tibet and a permanently op»