Last Post
We Fear Silence Announce Weekly Takeover of Cable, London
by WeFearSilence
, 19 May 12:51
1 reply |
19 May 13:02
by dis-integration
Any secret Michael McDonald fans lurking on DiS?
by ashstreath85
, 19 May 01:06
12 replies |
19 May 11:05
by eschaton
new Sightings record, "City Of Straw"
by ideserve2
, 18 May 15:32
3 replies |
19 May 10:01
by manish
Young Legionnaire [Bloc Party/YCNI:M side project-centric]
by phwoar_nora_BARNACLE
, 18 May 22:45
10 replies |
19 May 09:13
by i_hate_rushy
Best Songs of the Year So Far, need input
by SteelersFan_UK06
, 19 May 01:20
6 replies |
19 May 09:10
by shallwesetbenonfire
The new Foals album is amazing
by VariationsOnSwing
, 09 May 18:41
57 replies |
19 May 03:21
by elyka
Temple of the Dog
by fullerov
, 19 May 01:04
0 replies |
19 May 01:04
Until The Light Takes Us
by thekidswhopoptoday
, 18 May 18:50
4 replies |
19 May 00:47
by horrorbiz
Liverpool Sound City Roll Call!
by DaveMK
, 18 May 12:45
1 reply |
19 May 00:45
by DaveMK
New albums on spotify.
by skellywager
, 18 May 21:44
5 replies |
18 May 23:38
by beepz
Part Wild Horses Mane On Both Sides + Yajé + Circles of Don
by djspleenbaby
, 18 May 23:06
0 replies |
18 May 23:06
That new Muse song is a bit shit then.
by palacefires
, 18 May 17:40
11 replies |
18 May 23:02
by michael_w
whats the name of the acid mothers temple track with the
high-pitched vocals?
by Jordan_229_2
, 18 May 21:41
1 reply |
18 May 22:42
by Jordan_229_2
"We Dance" by Pavement and songs changed by seeing
by TheoGB
, 18 May 17:16
7 replies |
18 May 21:25
by Mark_P
Great Escape?
by Anthonyc
, 16 May 17:25
19 replies |
18 May 19:50
by The_Groke
Supersonic additions...finally...
by less_than_zero
, 18 May 18:06
7 replies |
18 May 19:15
by ContentToPlayVillain
Best Spotify Album Artworks?
by Eoinl
, 18 May 19:13
0 replies |
18 May 19:13
RIP Ian Curtis
by Eoinl
, 18 May 19:11
1 reply |
18 May 19:11
Broken Social Scene @ Heaven
by TheNo
, 18 May 11:29
5 replies |
18 May 18:59
by ampm
ayatollah jaxx
by BlckGngElmnt
, 18 May 14:17
2 replies |
18 May 18:41
by BlckGngElmnt
Live Review: The Slits @ The Masque, Liverpool
by miriamliv
, 18 May 18:33
0 replies |
18 May 18:33
Music Writers needed
by dwray187
, 18 May 18:32
0 replies |
18 May 18:32
What Band am I thinking of?
by ehwhat
, 18 May 18:14
11 replies |
18 May 18:31
by jimitheexploder
Matter (the club)
by tobythecat
, 24 Feb 14:58
12 replies |
18 May 18:03
Top 5 Talking Heads Songs/ Favourite of their albums?
by beautiful_balloon
, 18 May 13:15
8 replies |
18 May 17:46
by andres
NEON INDIAN - CAMP Basement - 20th May
by dan_shocks
, 06 May 17:06
2 replies |
18 May 17:19
by dan_shocks
applecart one day festival
by asita
, 18 May 16:59
0 replies |
18 May 16:59
Anyone want a (free) ticket for Former Ghosts/Parenthetical
Girls in Manchestester tonight?
by colesy
, 18 May 15:43
3 replies |
18 May 16:57
by colesy
Songs about missing someone
by NickDS
, 18 May 12:01
12 replies |
18 May 16:56
by robluvsnic
(Waiting for the) Man Marries Dog?
by toomuchscience
, 18 May 16:54
0 replies |
18 May 16:54
Opinions on my bands new songs (not a shameless plug)
by Tito_Santana
, 18 May 16:40
0 replies |
18 May 16:40
Oh For Arts Sake...
by Pursehouse
, 18 May 12:49
10 replies |
18 May 16:40
by Pursehouse
Boris (17th) and Tim Hecker (19th) Tickets for sale - face
by Emperor-Magnificent
, 15 May 12:08
10 replies |
18 May 16:39
by Barnaby_Hardly
SRQ012 - Eleven Tigers [Soul Motive] Interview & Mix
by jimitheexploder
, 14 May 15:37
5 replies |
18 May 15:02
by jimitheexploder
Primavera 2010 Roll Call!
by fiddygent
, 14 May 12:35
73 replies |
18 May 14:53
by Jordan_229_2
DOM - Sun Bronzed Greek Gods EP
, 18 May 14:18
0 replies |
18 May 14:18
Your experiences of buying sold out festival tickets (help
by whatisthewhat
, 17 May 15:45
10 replies |
18 May 14:10
by whatisthewhat
Albums wat I bought today
by fullerov
, 17 May 21:59
10 replies |
18 May 13:30
by stanstubbs
A question for those who know about such things (amp /
speaker -centric)
by _meh
, 18 May 00:38
2 replies |
18 May 13:19
by _meh
Will there ever be another John Peel?
by sean
, 17 May 10:52
12 replies |
18 May 12:55
by Royter-Hatfood