Last Post
INTERPOL: Carlos D leaves the band
by amputee-porn
, 16 May 19:10
5 replies |
17 May 11:29
by amputee-porn
These Monsters - Call Me Dragon - Stream in full
by SiTrust
, 16 May 17:36
1 reply |
17 May 11:27
by SiTrust
GY!BE UK Shows
by callummc
, 16 May 16:24
10 replies |
17 May 11:00
by callummc
Irish Dissers (spotify centric)
by _meh
, 17 May 01:54
3 replies |
17 May 10:59
by justanothersheeldz
Just started listening to The National this week
by Verbal
, 15 May 18:45
22 replies |
17 May 10:55
by merkatron
i love you National, but please stop making music videos
by powerfulmellow
, 16 May 23:24
13 replies |
17 May 05:32
by elyka
ATP Pavement - how was it for you thread
by kmart
, 17 May 00:11
171 replies |
17 May 02:01
by Kids_On_Cake
Can we have a 'brilliant band names' thread?
by ashstreath85
, 11 May 01:32
54 replies |
17 May 01:22
by fishwho
Electronic Wuss - an Owl City parody
by marckee
, 17 May 00:42
2 replies |
17 May 00:56
by MirriLondon
Dubmission Radio Show #596
by Dubmission
, 17 May 00:45
0 replies |
17 May 00:45
by DanielKelly
, 24 Mar 18:07
30 replies |
17 May 00:21
by manbearpig
R.E.M - Reveal
by Starmixer
, 16 May 22:17
9 replies |
17 May 00:02
by OceanStorm
Mastering Houses Why are so few in the UK?
by definitionofself
, 16 May 23:47
1 reply |
16 May 23:51
by Anschul
Pixies take requests via email
by KevinEGPerry
, 16 May 22:13
9 replies |
16 May 23:22
Stag & Dagger 2010
by medulla
, 10 May 21:37
14 replies |
16 May 23:13
by medulla
Anyone seen Enablers on this tour?
by lemonbrickcombo
, 15 May 10:37
6 replies |
16 May 22:14
by terminus_est
i love you National, but please stop making music videos
by powerfulmellow
, 16 May 21:48
1 reply |
16 May 21:48
Right, I need this cleared up once and for all. Is This It
front cover: pubes or shadow?
, 11 May 18:26
17 replies |
16 May 21:44
by disinfected
"Festivals are under attack"
by simon_t
, 16 May 20:05
8 replies |
16 May 21:32
by Coja
tate @ 10 w/ Jeffrey Lewis et al... any spare tickets?
by iluvthevalleyoh
, 14 May 10:32
16 replies |
16 May 21:24
by oneforghost
Possible new Panda Bear single in July
by charliepanayi
, 16 May 21:18
0 replies |
16 May 21:18
Punk songs about a social issue
by artimusmaximus
, 16 May 19:28
2 replies |
16 May 20:40
by prunes
High Violet is at number five in the album chart
by simon_t
, 16 May 18:53
8 replies |
16 May 20:11
by charliepanayi
Deerhunter - Heaven
by TheSeagull
, 06 May 17:10
29 replies |
16 May 20:09
by jack_on_fire
I've bought a shed load of music recently, how about
by shimmetry
, 14 May 12:57
26 replies |
16 May 19:51
by fallover
Wildbirds + Peacedrums @ Broadgate Institute
by marckee
, 16 May 00:49
4 replies |
16 May 19:47
by manbearpig
Guido - Anidea
by richardj
, 16 May 17:40
3 replies |
16 May 19:18
by richardj
The Bundles and Jeffrey Lewis - Free this Tuesday
by Uprock
, 16 May 00:45
2 replies |
16 May 18:37
by ASandehBear
Is there any way to upgrade to the new Spotify/Facebook
WITHOUT it totally messing up your iTunes tags?
by MirriLondon
, 16 May 17:14
4 replies |
16 May 18:29
by MirriLondon
Sónar Festival
by freshprints
, 16 May 17:02
1 reply |
16 May 17:08
by ideserve2
Sheffield people
by m-dizzle
, 16 May 16:58
0 replies |
16 May 16:58
BJM in Manchester, 17th May
by Lofisongsaregreat
, 16 May 13:41
1 reply |
16 May 16:48
by runningforasthma
Apologies but it's time for a headphone thread.
by manbearpig
, 15 May 23:03
21 replies |
16 May 16:07
by begreen
supersonic festival
by pleatedskirt
, 16 May 13:59
1 reply |
16 May 16:03
by netochka_nezvanova
by brian_international
, 16 May 11:35
2 replies |
16 May 15:58
by gazbid
Really awkward Festival line-ups...
by Eoinl
, 16 May 13:17
4 replies |
16 May 13:44
by Bethany_E
Shining - Blackjazz
by Yurodivyi
, 14 May 10:37
13 replies |
16 May 13:28
by acoleuthic
The Orb
by charliepanayi
, 15 May 23:00
3 replies |
16 May 10:48
by Yurodivyi
by lyle
, 15 May 22:01
2 replies |
16 May 09:45
by lyle
by Oissin_
, 14 May 19:09
2 replies |
16 May 06:36
by i_hate_rushy