A question for those who know about such things (amp / speaker -centric)
I may have mentioned once or twice on here that I've recently gotten a new turntable... I currently have it set up through an amp & going to fairly small, but decent speakers from an old hifi (my intention is to upgrade bit by bit as and when I have the spare cashmoney) these speakers were the only ones I have which matched the impedance on the amp (6 ohms speakers & 4 - 16 ohms amp).
I have subsequently added another old hi-fi (with speakers that give a much better sound) through the Audio out. effectively I'm now running two sets of speakers from the Amp; 2 6 ohms directly, and another 2 3 ohms through the Audio out / in on an old hi fi.
Can I run both sets of speakers from the same speaker output on the amp? The 3 ohm speakers won't work on their own with the amp on their own as the impedance wont match, but if I put both sets through the one connection would it work as 6 ohms + 3 ohms = 9 ohms, or no?
I realise this is probably a stupid question, but I have exactly no clue about these things, any help would be much appreciated.