Last Post
[JAG] Andy's Airport of Love - free d/l [/JAG]
by Panda_Bear
, 16 May 11:20
7 replies |
16 May 16:35
by Panda_Bear
Another thread asking for headphone reccomendations
by plank201
, 16 May 16:11
1 reply |
16 May 16:12
by plank201
Animal Crack Box
by lazerlife
, 15 May 17:09
6 replies |
16 May 15:35
by proslo
Libertines reform 'definite'
by m-dizzle
, 16 May 13:48
1 reply |
16 May 14:30
by i-Am-Me
Manics cover up
by sywheeler
, 14 May 23:37
28 replies |
16 May 13:39
by ThisTemporaryLife
FOTL's new album is (kind of) out on Monday
by vamos
, 08 May 12:25
49 replies |
16 May 12:34
by vamos
Jesse Michaels - Operation Ivy
by ladymelody
, 16 May 11:50
0 replies |
16 May 11:50
DiS Album Of The Week [May 11th - 18th] as Chosen by
by Yesiamaduck
, 11 May 18:59
23 replies |
16 May 11:46
by whacksiddy
I've just realised the Horrors' Sea Within A Sea
is a bit of a rip-off
by drakepress
, 15 May 17:40
15 replies |
16 May 10:46
by John_Brainlove
Shortest headline set?
by doctornovocalcords
, 14 May 15:20
76 replies |
16 May 08:48
by medulla
Aular is better than Kala
by The_Libertineq
, 15 May 23:29
6 replies |
16 May 08:46
by medulla
Animal Collective Box Set download
by millionaire
, 15 May 12:32
2 replies |
16 May 05:20
by Schadenfreude
EL-B / Ghost
by jimitheexploder
, 16 May 04:05
0 replies |
16 May 04:05
Company Flow
by RockNRollMassacre
, 15 May 19:09
7 replies |
16 May 03:58
by badmanreturns
DiS Ablum Of The Week Discussion [May 4th - 11t]
by Yesiamaduck
, 11 May 19:02
3 replies |
16 May 02:11
by Browno
Where to start with Kurt Vile?
by alley
, 16 May 00:23
2 replies |
16 May 00:49
by alley
Who is going to see Grizzly Bear & when is the new album
by kittensgotclaws
, 15 May 19:43
9 replies |
16 May 00:48
Holy Fuck at the Scala
by teamcooperuk
, 14 May 12:32
10 replies |
16 May 00:45
by bjones
on the 25th may
by fucktherave
, 15 May 23:17
0 replies |
15 May 23:17
The Calories album
by TheShapeOfPunkToCome
, 02 Mar 17:11
41 replies |
15 May 23:13
by OceanStorm
Friday Feelgood Spotify
by douchebag
, 15 May 22:53
0 replies |
15 May 22:53
House/Electro/Dubstep/Dance spotify
by IcebergSlim69
, 14 May 22:46
9 replies |
15 May 22:39
by al_la
Clubbing in Barcelona
by jesechristo
, 11 May 22:25
5 replies |
15 May 22:29
by DarwinDude
The name of the band I'm in is "Dead Spex"
and it'd be nice if you listened to us.
by danger
, 15 May 21:56
2 replies |
15 May 22:29
by stwerewolf
Jon Spencer Blues Explosion
by broonski_beat
, 15 May 14:26
7 replies |
15 May 22:27
Patrick Wolf
by ronslunchbox
, 15 May 16:40
7 replies |
15 May 22:00
by shatnerlivesforever
Super Furry Animals headlining Indie-pendence festival in
by haribo7989
, 15 May 19:50
1 reply |
15 May 20:53
by drakepress
Sometimes I Wish We Were An Eagle - Bill Callahan.
by wecancreate
, 20 Apr 18:16
16 replies |
15 May 20:09
by wecancreate
Man of Aran
by irrikky
, 15 May 18:54
1 reply |
15 May 19:07
by RockNRollMassacre
Facebook just scared the shit out of me
by Yesiamaduck
, 15 May 15:01
7 replies |
15 May 18:50
by olliey
The best and worst bands/artists you've been introduced
to through DiS
by sunbakedsnowcave
, 12 Apr 11:55
59 replies |
15 May 18:49
by tomatron
Re-issue ! Re-package ! Re-package ! Re-evaluate the songs
Double-pack with a photograph Extra Track (and a tacky
by haribo7989
, 15 May 01:58
2 replies |
15 May 18:38
by haribo7989
christ, there's a new Quarrymen single coming out!
by thommo
, 15 May 17:57
0 replies |
15 May 17:57
Sonic Youth help?
by scottleeandrews
, 15 May 17:41
3 replies |
15 May 17:54
by scottleeandrews
Glastonbury lineup clash quandary
by badcustard
, 14 May 22:13
11 replies |
15 May 17:48
by lovelessrapture
braindead collective jag - keyboard
choir/guillemots/internet forever
by alcxxk
, 14 May 20:46
32 replies |
15 May 17:46
by twicetwoequalsfour
Bands that a momentarily flash of hype but then seemed to
by theguywithnousername
, 11 May 12:02
83 replies |
15 May 17:43
by GFontaine
Local bands that ripoff more famous bands in the most
offensive way
by WalterBenjamin
, 15 May 17:21
1 reply |
15 May 17:31
by lazerlife
bad brains on wednesday is postponed apparently
by fucktherave
, 15 May 15:30
3 replies |
15 May 17:17
by countzero
zombi, zombie, zombie zombie, goblin... all that 70s synthy
soundtrack stuff
by codpieceface
, 15 May 16:43
0 replies |
15 May 16:43