Last Post
Revised top 5 albums of 2008
by Zapsta
, 11 May 17:22
55 replies |
13 May 17:49
by MonkeyButlering
maybeshewill + ASIWYFA in leeds tonight!
by frizz15
, 13 May 12:47
1 reply |
13 May 16:48
by frizz15
madlib & j.rocc tonight!
by atom_jack
, 13 May 15:35
8 replies |
13 May 16:45
by atom_jack
a nice new band for yous to listen to (pains of being pure
at heart, 65dos, idiotpilot etc)
by Jordan_229_2
, 12 May 00:36
11 replies |
13 May 16:12
by DiSassociated
Laura Marling @ Flowerpot last night
by Ichor
, 13 May 10:05
4 replies |
13 May 16:09
by Ichor
by gayburger
, 29 Apr 12:45
15 replies |
13 May 15:52
by Miikka
looking for a song to soundtrack a film
by pretty_vacant
, 12 May 20:35
26 replies |
13 May 15:50
by BrotherJohn
Talk Talk - "Life's What You Make It"
by RalphLikeALion
, 13 May 13:53
3 replies |
13 May 15:46
by lyserge
free mike bones tickets in manchester tonight
by scottoneill
, 13 May 15:43
0 replies |
13 May 15:43
yann tiersen london thursday [need 2 x tickets]
by amadeep
, 12 May 22:37
2 replies |
13 May 15:41
by amadeep
Cats in Paris @ Winchester
by mookon
, 13 May 14:57
0 replies |
13 May 14:57
Clubnights in Manchester this Friday!
by Chav_core
, 13 May 13:17
9 replies |
13 May 14:55
by earnse
Cheapmachines / Shift / Ryan Jordan / Gadarene
by less_than_zero
, 13 May 14:21
1 reply |
13 May 14:32
by less_than_zero
Evan Dando at The Macbeth tonight.
by BMS1
, 13 May 08:50
2 replies |
13 May 14:27
by BMS1
Mae Shi/Abe Vigoda
by chuckbarris
, 13 May 11:14
14 replies |
13 May 14:07
by clamsandwich
All stages should be a foot higher.
by TheoGB
, 12 May 14:06
16 replies |
13 May 14:03
by TheoGB
BSM Great Escape showcase - Saturday - free entry. TTNG and
by bsmrocks
, 13 May 13:54
0 replies |
13 May 13:54
does anyone know who books Truck Festival?
by Jordan_229_2
, 13 May 11:19
2 replies |
13 May 13:54
by gazbid
120 Minutes Spotify Playlist 10
by Jook
, 10 May 00:10
8 replies |
13 May 13:53
by LastAstronaut
Icy Demons UK tour starts tomorrow
by leyrbpw
, 08 May 12:38
9 replies |
13 May 13:44
by gramps
How can I send a 2.8gb file through email?
by The_Living_Year
, 13 May 12:17
8 replies |
13 May 13:29
by ham_and_cheese
Good nights in Brighton (Great Escape-centric)
by InevPlEx
, 13 May 13:04
4 replies |
13 May 13:24
by paint_nothing
Top 5 Influences On The Songs You Write.
by GutterSnipe
, 13 May 13:20
0 replies |
13 May 13:20
| - anyone?
by guyofthelondonzoo
, 13 May 13:00
1 reply |
13 May 13:11
by jimitheexploder
5 favourite 2-piece, 3-piece, 4-piece and 5-piece bands?
by ehwhat
, 13 May 12:46
3 replies |
13 May 13:07
by kurtrussell
#Beatlesfacts on twitter?
by ReincarnationofKali
, 13 May 12:59
0 replies |
13 May 12:59
Who's coming to JoFo in Brum 2nyt?
by thisistomorrowuk
, 13 May 10:49
1 reply |
13 May 12:15
by stumbeleine04
When people and bands are such a complete copy / paste
facsimile uniform product of a dying scene
by ehwhat
, 12 May 12:10
19 replies |
13 May 12:11
by shucks
ATP BReeders - lift needed
by Mike_Diver
, 13 May 12:04
0 replies |
13 May 12:04
Kode 9 / Zomby / Actress / HATE Soundsystem / Tobias /
Efdemin / Move D / Me&You DJs / Faktion DJs
by eschaton
, 12 May 19:27
11 replies |
13 May 12:00
by eschaton
someone with good taste make me a spotify playlist of stuff
i won't have heard
by codpieceface
, 13 May 10:56
0 replies |
13 May 10:56
Jesus Lizard tonight @ forum
by Jamie_Summers
, 11 May 16:01
46 replies |
13 May 10:50
by LastAstronaut
"noise" albums
by devastation
, 12 May 14:49
40 replies |
13 May 10:45
Three Trapped Tigers,William&Artefacts for Space
Travel,Free on Thursday
by RadoslavRat
, 13 May 10:41
0 replies |
13 May 10:41
sleepy sun at luminaire last night
by Jamie_Summers
, 13 May 09:46
2 replies |
13 May 10:40
by ppyxtf
st vincent is amazing
by bmwilly
, 13 May 08:01
3 replies |
13 May 10:29
by charliepanayi
Which new/unsigned band should we play on the STA blogcast?
by heartbeeps
, 04 Mar 10:44
44 replies |
13 May 09:40
by Schadenfreude
Gibson guitars in film
by oceanRain
, 12 May 21:33
11 replies |
13 May 06:52
90s - is this the end of the 80s?
by Rose-Kitten
, 13 May 04:17
1 reply |
13 May 04:25
by Clair_de_Lune
French parliament set to pass law which will lead to
persistent illegal downloaders having their internet
conncetions cut.
by Violator
, 12 May 21:06
5 replies |
13 May 02:38
by Jesus_Quintana