Last Post
atp words + pics
by Mike_Diver
, 15 May 15:25
4 replies |
15 May 16:42
by Gorkys_Forever
Paul Banks solo free download
by cutmemick
, 15 May 15:29
1 reply |
15 May 16:38
Help required (DJ centric)
by CillaCrack
, 15 May 14:35
25 replies |
15 May 16:32
by mug_mug_mug
electronic explorations - rob booth. the field etc.
by ronslunchbox
, 15 May 11:38
21 replies |
15 May 16:10
by dis-integration
I would like to know more about
by IndieAndy_Jones
, 15 May 12:39
8 replies |
15 May 16:07
by DiSassociated
Lifeforms - Future Sound of London
by colonelbingobongo
, 15 May 16:05
0 replies |
15 May 16:05
Good article in today's Grauniad about Flying Nun and
the Dunedin sound
by lemonbrickcombo
, 15 May 14:27
5 replies |
15 May 15:41
by Gorkys_Forever
Pick O’er the Bones by Shackleton & Mordant Music
by jimitheexploder
, 16 Apr 02:22
15 replies |
15 May 15:35
by jimitheexploder
Album lengths...
by unfamiliar
, 15 May 10:40
16 replies |
15 May 15:30
by GalacticStar3ruption
Drop outs in cd remastered album (90's that will
by stumbeleine04
, 15 May 14:04
3 replies |
15 May 15:00
by alcxxk
HMV vouchers burning a hole in my pocket - what should I
by gee_akko
, 15 May 10:40
13 replies |
15 May 14:58
by gee_akko
Midweek London club nights
by pmj1980
, 15 May 14:34
1 reply |
15 May 14:56
by red_elephant
Dot to Dot 2009
by colesy
, 12 Mar 13:30
25 replies |
15 May 14:54
by Hex_Breaker
boyz II men have a christmas album
by Nestor
, 15 May 12:44
2 replies |
15 May 14:54
by mug_mug_mug
Anyone seeing Psychic TV at Bardens on Sunday?
by CillaCrack
, 15 May 13:50
0 replies |
15 May 13:50
Bill Callahan + Gang Gang Dance
by eatyourownears
, 15 May 13:14
1 reply |
15 May 13:21
by dis-integration
The Week That Was and Pete And The Pirates in LDN on sale
by shadyadie
, 15 May 13:19
0 replies |
15 May 13:19
st ettienne tonight
by metalmikey
, 15 May 12:59
0 replies |
15 May 12:59
Check out this new band from Aust (not a JAG)
by PaintyCanNed
, 14 May 01:56
3 replies |
15 May 12:51
by madsquirrel
who's coming to breeders atp then? (plus some news re:
juan son cancelling)
by Jamie_Summers
, 13 May 16:37
71 replies |
15 May 12:34
by andrew_wolfpack
Sonic Router 002 - A Dubstep Column For May @ The Quietus
by jimitheexploder
, 15 May 12:27
0 replies |
15 May 12:27
by spidermonkey
, 15 May 12:25
0 replies |
15 May 12:25
Sparklehorse album canned?!!
by spiritofjazz
, 15 May 12:11
0 replies |
15 May 12:11
merzbow-esque noise on spotify
by fragrant_vagrant
, 15 May 11:23
3 replies |
15 May 12:01
by Scatterheart1985
by DillingersWheelman
, 14 May 23:35
3 replies |
15 May 11:02
by morepricksthankicks
Tips on recording bass anyone?
by doctornovocalcords
, 14 May 15:26
42 replies |
15 May 10:51
by calla
Is this the best Radiohead b-side?
by untrue
, 14 May 02:08
36 replies |
15 May 10:17
by rolyateel
Laura Groves AKA Blue Roses
by dan_thw
, 15 May 03:50
5 replies |
15 May 10:04
by Daniel_Indeed
Goldie Lookin Chain - Asbo 4 Life
by greenstone
, 15 May 10:02
0 replies |
15 May 10:02
Where to get decent Vinyl
by chewybacca
, 14 May 19:02
1 reply |
15 May 09:53
by leather_McWhip
why "yr"?
by tirard
, 14 May 12:44
31 replies |
15 May 07:10
by clemm
Narrowest gap between an album's original release and
it being 'Remastered' ?
by cliquester
, 15 May 01:11
5 replies |
15 May 01:53
by haribo7989
Recommendation time
by lemonbrickcombo
, 12 Jan 14:32
44 replies |
15 May 01:45
So I'm off on me hols...
by greenstone
, 15 May 00:08
1 reply |
15 May 01:32
Bands you once hated, but now you love them
by Ekels
, 14 May 18:28
18 replies |
15 May 01:06
by ThingsThatFly
Want 60min mix of hot musex fo free?
by greenstone
, 13 May 09:52
6 replies |
15 May 00:28
by greenstone
The Ramones wrote better songs than The Beatles
by lemonbrickcombo
, 05 May 22:55
53 replies |
15 May 00:21
by fucktherave
Evil Nine, Plugs & Transformer playing WeAreLive @ Scala
— 29th May
by Si_arnoldi
, 14 May 23:43
0 replies |
14 May 23:43
by SunkenShip
, 14 May 21:35
5 replies |
14 May 23:26
by bazzo
The Posies - Every Kind of Light
by Clair_de_Lune
, 14 May 20:52
5 replies |
14 May 23:13
by spiritofjazz