[JAG] Andy's Airport of Love - free d/l [/JAG]
Some of you may have gathered, but I run a netlabel over in NL. Promoting lots of bands from around the globe. Andy's Airport of Love are one of the artists that get talked about a lot (albeit mainly from the rest of the R&R related acts), this guy is really good - he puts together super lo-fi pop tunes, and reminds me a little of The Mayfair Set.
His new album has been available (and is still available) on tape for a while, but today he released it digitally on Rack & Ruin.
Here are a few things people have said:
"this sounds like a poppier version of Blank Dogs" - Matt, Skatterbrain
"i can only imagine what this tape is like, but if i imagine really hard, i would say that it is really good and you guys are going to love it." - dessktop
"i think i like the intros and the last song best, along with incline." - Jason the Swamp
"this is the best tape ever, right guys, people buy more of them. I still have 42/100 left." - Andy's Airport of Love
Download your own copy -
as a side note, Duquesne Incline is one of my favourite tracks so far this year. That is all.