FOTL's new album is (kind of) out on Monday
(Maybe). According to Falco's blog:
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Oh, the pre-tour shock of busied silence, as crumpled instruments are prised forth from cases and fixed within an inch of their lives.
Some things (and subsequent things) ...
- thanks to all who got involved on my last blog and brought a number of perspectives to the party, even to those well meaning neo-hippies who got it so wrong that they may as well exist on a entirely different cellular level, especially the guy who said 'if you saw a twenty on the ground, would you not pick it up?' , thus COMPLETELY FAILING in the art of analogy.*
- the pre-release/download arrangement, which I understand is being channelled through those naughty tax-avoiding bastards, will be announced on these pages as soon as all the details are to hand. Should all be online and available on monday (may 11th), as ATP fades into our Heineken damaged memories ...
- speaking of which, we're on the Pavilion stage at 5.45(pm). As much as you're looking forward to it, I'm looking forward to it more.
- Live at Leeds last week was fantastic fun, despite the crazed load-in and sparse rider. In fact, I had the best weekend of my year so far, although admittedly the competition has been less than fierce.
- Tour-dates are as follows. Do come, eh?
8 May 2009
All Tomorrow’s Parties, Minehead
13 May 2009
Wedgewood Rooms, Portsmouth
14 May 2009
Sallis Benney Theatre, Brighton
16 May 2009
Stiff Kitten, Belfast
17 May 2009
Academy 2, Dublin
18 May 2009
Stereo, Glasgow
20 May 2009
Jailhouse, Hereford
21 May 2009
Academy 3, Manchester
23 May 2009
Dot To Dot Festival, Bristol
24 May 2009
Dot To Dot Festival, Nottingham
25 May 2009
Clwb Ifor Bach - Swn Festival, Cardiff
26 May 2009
ULU (University of London Union)
We will have new T-shirts, screen-printed posters and an all-pervading sense of hope for sale. All prices, especially for the latter, are non-negotiable.
Also, there are several dates in early June in a number of surprising locales, plus US dates for July which we're a whisker away from confirming. More information etc. etc.
- less observant users of myspace may not have noticed the new songs available for streaming on this very page. One more will probably follow in the next couple of days, if I can be arsed.
- Oh, and R.I.P. Newcastle United. Too much heart and not enough brain, I'm afraid.
* If any enlightened readers can explain how seeking out and downloading a record eight weeks before it's release is anything like finding money on the ground, then please, tell somebody else.
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There are new songs up. They are very good.
That's all for now.
Vamos (AKA Unofficial FOTL stalker & DiS updater)