A day in The Editor of DiS' inbox
Been thinking of doing this for a while, and inspired by a bunch of people moaning I never get back to their emails, I'm going to share the sorts of things that I get in my inbox in an average day (won't be able to share everything, for obvious reasons) but here goes...
Be curious of you thoughts on the music (some of it will be terrible, some of it might not be but I probably won't get chance to hear it all) and whether you feel it would have been a better use of my time to re-write these as news stories, which would probably generate about 30p in ad revenue, for the 30mins or so they'd take me to write (and the probably 10mins of the PR asking me to change the photo and add links to ticket vendors and all that crap).
p.s. we launched a news digest column today, and there's a link to me explaining why we're not really bothering with news at the top of it