rleedham has written the following articles:

Dananananaykroyd - There is a Way
There Is A Way goes down like a razor gilded pill.»

The 2 Bears - Bear Hug
Judged purely on toe-tapability this is The 2 Bears' best release to date.»

The Feeling - Together We Were Made
The work of a band half-heartedly failing to embrace its ‘dark side’.»

Mini Mansions - Mini Mansions
Mini Mansions are too good to be dismissed as a side project.»

The Dodos - No Color
It may have taken Long and Kroeber some time to crack the tough nut of a thoroughly radiant album but unlike their namesakes, The Dodos have only ripened with age.»

Young Rebel Set - Curse Our Love
Let it never be said again then that writing an anthem is simple. Especially as the Young Rebel Set do such a diabolical job of it. »

Smallgang - Trespasses
Mostly average, with one outstanding moment.»

The Zombies - Breathe Out, Breathe In
The kind of album you will most likely be buying in good faith with modest expectations rather than in search of a stone cold classic.»

No Joy - Ghost Blonde
With Ghost Blonde, No Joy have chiselled all the shoegaze basics into a formidable account of themselves.»

You Animals - Crimes, Creeps & Thrills
So good, it even ranks on a par with Hard-Fi’s Stars Of CCTV.»

moddi - Floriography
Floriography is not a record that holds the attention for long at all.»

Ponytail - Do Whatever You Want All the Time
By muting their one trick, Ponytail have seemingly stifled their raison d’être of tuning all amps up to 11 and committing a series of ADHD inspired freakouts to tape.»

Timber Timbre - Creep On Creepin' On
A captivating record albeit one without many songs that rest easily in the memory.»

Saint Saviour - Anatomy
What is under absolutely no doubt however, is the quality of songwriting Becky Jones holds at her disposal.»

The Secret Sisters - The Secret Sisters
There is a fine line between reverence and authenticity and it is a distinction that The Secret Sisters don’t seem to have the fullest grasp of on their self-titled debut album. »

The Chapman Family - Burn Your Town
What ultimately drags down Burn Your Town though, is the nagging surprise that it took The Chapman Family so long to put out this record.»

Tapes 'n Tapes - Outside
The ongoing air of squandered opportunity that clouds Outside is hardly aided by an overly glossy production job which gives prominence to artistic excesses previously obscured by Tapes ‘n Tapes’ commitment to a lo-fi aesthetic.»

Klaxons - Landmarks of Lunacy
In releasing Landmarks of Lunacy, Klaxons have not only exposed themselves to the charge that it has been several years since they wrote a pop song of note. What's more troublesome is the revelation that, when left to their own wilfully obscure devices, the results fall a long way short of the kaleidoscopic delight that was promised.»