DiSsers Recommend... Who to see at Glastonbury 2011
After DiS’ Top 10 picks for acts to see at Glastonbury, we thought it’d be an idea to highlight some of the acts DiSers have been recommending on the boards.»
AdamBoult has written the following articles:
The Unspeakable... is good, sometimes very good, but it falls short of being great. Nevertheless, if this really is this world’s first orchestral rap album, here’s hoping there’s more to come.»
After DiS’ Top 10 picks for acts to see at Glastonbury, we thought it’d be an idea to highlight some of the acts DiSers have been recommending on the boards.»
A new community-powered feature on DiS kicks off with the best quiet-loud songs, as selected by the Drowned in Sound music board...»
We spoke to Count Buckules, aka Adam Buxton, of Adam and Joe fame about his enduring partnership with Mr Cornish and, of course, music videos.»
Much like Fight Like Apes' debut, ...Legs of Tina Turner is a mixed bag.»
Nursing appalling hangovers in an east London bar, Times New Viking collectively pause and look stumped when asked why people should listen to Dancer Equired, their new album, due out next week.»
Sometimes second-jobbing actors can surprise you with their musical talents.»
When asked how The Human League have managed to keep going for so long, singer Susan Ann Sulley says: "I don't know that we know how to do anything else." Recruited along with best friend Joanne Catherall when they were 17 and 18 year old schoolgirls, they’ve now been with the band for 31 years, and with founder member Philip Oakey the trio are currently touring to promote Credo, the ninth Human League studio album. »
Magic Bullets is a largely undistinguished affair – by no means offensive, just entirely unremarkable.»
"Electronic music, especially dance music, has really benefited from technology, and it's so sweet for old sci-fi lovers like us to see how quickly people jump on technology and use it is in the "wrong" way."»
About as transporting and passionate an experience as drinking an out of date can of Sainsbury's Select Cola in a lay-by.»