Boom! Crash! Glee!
'Diamonds in the Dark' goes off in my face like a firework display, resonating joyfully of summer, with a subtly echoing melancholia behind the whole show.
Enlisting the help of Britpop legend Stephen Street on the knob-twiddling front, one of the finer moments from the Jets' Making Dens debut is fed through the pop-aliser and comes out the other side a little more polished, a little more accessible and, in this scribe's opinion, a whole lot better.
The beauty of the Mystery Jets thus far has been born of paradoxical simplistic complexities - glorious sing-alongs rise out of intriguing and technically mesmerising verses. The epic synth-led solo on display here comprises few notes yet still manages to sound like the whole world is singing with it.
At recent shows, the Jets have been showcasing new material - songs filled with more chart-friendly hooks than an amalgam of a pirate and Stock, Aitken & Waterman - 'Diamonds in the Dark' is the perfect turning point, and with the help of Mr Street, and a wind in the right direction, there's a number one single in them yet.
It's called 'Elizabeth'.
8Colin Roberts's Score