You guys and girls may well be going cock-a-hoop for this collaboration and you'd be perfectly within your rights to. The thought of Annie Clark a.k.a St. Vincent and the Birdman a.k.a Andrew Bird getting it together musically is enough to bring at least a thousand and twenty people across the world to a climax.
Thanks to the people over at La Blogotheque there's footage of this wonderful event. How we love you, LB. The whole thing, recorded in Paris, is 29 minutes long and contains Bird performing three tracks - 'Effigy', 'Tenuousness' and 'Natural Disaster' - from his latest one, Noble Beast, as well as Clark performing two tracks - 'What Me Worry' and 'Black Rainbow' with Bird on the fiddle.
They say this of the performance (perhaps):
"Andrew Bird qui joue du violon à la fenêtre pour dire aux invités qu’ils peuvent monter, qui nous raconte des histoires de murs qui s’effondrent et d’amours qui s’effilochent, qui siffle une de ses vieilles chansons, qui en mélange deux autres, joue plus long que prévu, sourit, nous fait vibrer... Et puis St Vincent qui arrive, Bird qui reste, les deux qui jouent, qui s’amusent, qui créent ensemble, et nous qui aimerions tout montrer, qui savons bien que la vidéo ne sera capable, au mieux, d’offrir des bribes du bonheur de ce soir là. Mais ces bribes même sont précieuses..."
We have not a clue what that says having taken German GCSE instead of French, but we bet it's positive. If anyone could help with the translation I'd be grateful - you can never trust that Babelfish thing.
The two will tour the States and Europe later this year, playing two dates this side of the world, one in London at the Union Chapel on November 10 and then at Casino de Paris three days later.
Anyway, on with the video content, ja?