Capitalism - You couldn't make it up # 1 - Apple ($1billion per week) cashpile big enough to pay off UK debt completely.......are BORROWING money
so that they can buy their own bonds, because they do not want the US to get to tax their money properly.
Can anyone justify this manifestation of mammon?
Their revenue could pay for UK health and education.
Their money treasure chest would pay off UK that.
Of course they need another 'iphone' phenomena to keep this up in the future....
perhaps the british gov should say to apple......come here, pay off our debt, trade from here and you never have to pay taxes again.... the benefit of not having to service our national debt will be more than recompense for you not having any tax in the UK.....that way if you are not so phenomenal in the future, you will still be able to be more than competative against your competitors because you legally dont have any tax obligation.....or some deal along those lines. ;D