Rate your Dad
Right, I gave ethricdouble enough time to start this himself, sure it'll be a blockbuster. Out of 10, rate your Dad in terms of:
Bants (Dad dancing, Dad jokes etc) /10
Fatherly Advice (Passing on sage words of wisdom) /10
General Dad-ness (i.e. fixing shit for you when it goes wrong) /10
For me it's:
Bants: 6/10 - a solid dancer, some decent punning, got a bit repetitive with his points about the importance of balance in the modern-day footballer when watching MOTD, but otherwise pretty solid.
Fatherly advice: 6/10 - definitely getting better in his old age as he's mellowed out a bit, and his heart's definitely in the right place, just sometimes says silly things.
General Dad-ness: 10/10 - absolute hero in this sense. Have lost count of the number of times he's rescued me or my Sister when I've needed a lift at stupid-o'clock, helped me fix up practical stuff etc. Can ALWAYS rely on him to do the right thing, even if he doesn't always say the right thing. Top Dad.