A story, and a question
On my way home on Friday evening, tired after a long week at work, I got on the overground line and there was this bunch of absolute airhead hipster bastards - you know the types - dressed like The Fresh Prince of Bel Air with haircuts like World War I soldiers, loafers and no socks with three quarter length leggings - were goofing around on their way to whatever contemporary nonsense night was on at the Bussey Building in Peckham, annoying the absolute fuck out of everyone else. Yabbering some meaningless nonsense that everyone is trying their best to ignore, one of them suddenly pipes up really loud ... "NAH MAN! Africa is THE WORST! No-one likes Africa!!". The largely black crowd in the carriage all turn and look at him, and everything goes pretty much silent. One lady literally mouths "whaat thaaa fuuuck" at him. Then, to both nobody in particular, and yet everyone at the same time, he comes out with....
"Not as a continent man ... AS A LYNX!"
So the question is, what is the best Lynx?