Pan heads back to the studio to record "These Are the Things I Love and I Want to Share Them With You"
Everyone's favorite post-rockers, PAN, have been hard at work road-testing new material and are now ready for their return to the studio to begin work on "These are the Things I Love and I Want to Share Them With You", the full-length followup to their popular debut EP, "Post Rock is Not Dead".
Give them a listen here-
The new album will be released via Post-Echo and promises to capture the raw energy of Pan's live performance - if such a thing is possible - and will be made available in a variety of listening formats: CD, vinyl, cassette, and of course the good ol' digital download.
Pan's soaring sound has been an inspiration to everyone on the Post-Echo team and we're looking forward to These are the their most ambitious project to date. Like theme music for flying superheroes, listening to a Pan track is a great way to get yourself ready for take-off. Recently, they unveiled new material while performing live in support of David Bazan, formerly of Pedro the Lion. You can watch some of this performance here-
Thanks, guys. Let me know what you think.