Exquisite Corpse: a short story by loads of ace people
The Stool Pigeon asked 40 of its favourite artists including Brian Eno, Mark E Smith, Chris & Cosey, Kurt Vile, Robert Wyatt, Liars, Bill Callahan, Ian Rankin, Wild Beasts, Anna Calvi, Daniel Lopatin and Gary Numan contribute words to an Exquisite Corpse short story. We thought it was a pretty good stab:
Too many highlights from this to mention, but we particularly dug John Foxx's sly bit of meta-comedy in his allusion to 'phoney mysticism', Brian Eno's magnificently Enolike entry, and cheeky little shit Faris Badwan who plagiarised a passage from Richard Hell's published novel GO NOW, only to be rumbled by the man himself. Priceless!
Any fave bits on this? Anyone you thought sucked?