Have you ever discovered anything great off Altered Zones?
It seems woefully uncool to refer to a blog as a source of musical discovery as we'd rather pretend we just 'found' it, but either way I think AZ has some good stuff on it, even if 80% of the content is garbage.
So, have you discovered any artists/tracks/albums of note? I LOVE the VHS aesthetic of it all but a lot of the music is the same old pop-collage-though-tape-machine schtick. I would like to filter the good stuff.
I love the sound of the Isidore Ducasse record (, though it's vinyl only and I'm not interested in that. Give me digital! Not sure how I'm gonna get my hands on it.
Stella-Om-Source is pretty good.
This Speculator track - 'Afraid of the Future' - has stuck with me (
Ital is good too. (