‘My Jeans’
This really deserves its own thread, such is its superiority to Rebecca Black. While ‘Friday’s charm lies in the extreme shitty quality of the lyrics and song in general, this song is actually an outstanding composition, one big banger of a hook, full of endlessly quotable, identifiable lyrics. All it needs is a slight lyric change: who hasn’t opened a magazine to see – omg – These New Puritans or whoever wearing their jeans?
My passion for this song is unsettling. It scares my nearest and dearest. And that’s in one night – imagine what it’ll be like come next week. There’s only one thing to do to cure me: it needs to be bigger than Rebecca Black. It has to be. Help me out, people.
Some favourite bits:
20 pre-teens climbing into a mini / a 12 year old girl driving said mini
’my finger drew a smile’ – so creepy
that cheap as fuck keyboard trumpet riff in the chorus – heavy heraldic, total ‘All of the Lights’ shit
she looks a bit like Conor Oberst
“Trig bought a new blackberry?”
Trig’s foil’s shoulder bopping – amazing moves
and, of course, the pièce de résistance: