Kayo Dot - Tartar Lamb - Fan Funded Record!
Hey everyone,
Just thought I'd spread this around as the deadline is drawing closer and it would be a shame for this not to work for the sake of a few hundred dollars.
Im not sure if any of you read about or have heard the last maudlin of the well record that was fan funded and subsequently released for free online. It was one of my records of 2009 and is stunningly beautiful and was completely funded by fans. You can get that here:
Anyway the process was started again for another of Toby's projects, namely tartar lamb. This project is slightly different, in that if fully funded it will have a full physical release on vinyl of which funders will receive the first copies.
So if youre a fan of Tobys (and the other members of Kayo dots) and want to be a part of it then please donate to the cause, theres lots of rewards and you will be a named producer once the record is finished.