Looking cool for hot girls/boys
What bands is it best to brag about liking for pretty girls/boys to dig on your bad self?
I never know whether to reel out one of the following sets:
a) Bright Eyes etc.
b) Squarepusher etc.
c) lots of obscure unsigned bands
d) Busted & McFly and remain proud.
I'd say that generally, if you've got to a position where you're talking about music then it's positive, but the decisions you make thereforward could make or break your relationship/hand-holding/crack-sharing/deep-thrust-penetration attempts.
NB: Being single in London is great.
I never know whether to reel out one of the following sets:
a) Bright Eyes etc.
b) Squarepusher etc.
c) lots of obscure unsigned bands
d) Busted & McFly and remain proud.
I'd say that generally, if you've got to a position where you're talking about music then it's positive, but the decisions you make thereforward could make or break your relationship/hand-holding/crack-sharing/deep-thrust-penetration attempts.
NB: Being single in London is great.