Best of the Worst
Music reviewers fortunately tend to be enthusiastic about music, so way more often than not we can trust them to somewhere near the mark. But once in a while a reviewer makes a collossal blunder by hating a band you love.
When was the critic dead freakin wrong on a band/show/album?
I remember seeing one of those Worst 100 Bands of All Time lists. He had 99 worthless motherfuckers and Japan. OK, David Sylvian went off the deep end, but even the Riyuchi Sakamoto (sp?) stuff ain't horrible. I listened to Obscure Alternatives again this morning. Oh, it's beautiful! I can only think the reviewer must've been temporarily insane when he got to 87 on his list.
When was the critic dead freakin wrong on a band/show/album?
I remember seeing one of those Worst 100 Bands of All Time lists. He had 99 worthless motherfuckers and Japan. OK, David Sylvian went off the deep end, but even the Riyuchi Sakamoto (sp?) stuff ain't horrible. I listened to Obscure Alternatives again this morning. Oh, it's beautiful! I can only think the reviewer must've been temporarily insane when he got to 87 on his list.