Ross has written the following articles:

Mika at London Camden Lock 17/Dingwalls, Tue 21 Nov
The all-skipping, all-hopping, Lebanese-born Mika arrives on stage like a returning hero who’s just solved world poverty, cleansed the environment, and eaten a substantial portion of medals for breakfast...»

Juliette And The Licks - Hot Kiss
There is something wholeheartedly unappealing about Juliette And The Licks...»

Kid Harpoon at London Old Blue Last, Wed 10 May
Go forth. Seek him out. Finally, finally, London has thrown up a musician we can all truly believe in... »

Reverend And The Makers at London The Spread Eagle, Tue 02 May
Jon McClure cuts an imposing figure. As the brooding, low hum of the organ begins to rise the man they call The Reverend (probably Rev, or more helpfully, Jon to his mates) saunters onstage with his hood up, specs on, and stoic glare firmly fixed in place...»

Delays, Jim Noir at London Islington Bar Academy, Fri 21 Apr
Oh you know...the one what does that plinky-plonky song off the Adidas advert...»

GoodBooks - Walk With Me
And so Transgressive’s stable doors burst open once again. Leading the chase this time is the fine debut from Kentish electro-bopsters Goodbooks. »

The Pipettes - Your Kisses Are Wasted On Me
Better than the Spice Girls...»

Absentee - Something To Bang
Following on from rumblings of greatness in 2005, Absentee’s first foray into this year sees them doing what they’ve been threatening to do for the last six months – release the best song in their canon...»

Mr Hudson & The Library at London The Vibe Bar, Mon 27 Feb
It’s clear that Mr Hudson & The Library’s mish-mash of instruments and pick-pocketing of styles is going to propel this band from its infancy into one of the slickest acts in town...»

The Darkness at London Alexandra Palace, Wed 08 Feb
Before our country became overrun by a bunch of northern monkeys, there was a time when the sound of pounding Les Pauls, histrionic falsetto and big thumbs was almost inescapable...»

Squid at London Buffalo Bar, Sun 12 Feb
The perfect antidote to the Sunday evening blues...»

Jeremy Warmsley, Jim Noir, The Seal Cub Clubbing Club, Kill The Young at Camden Barfly, Camden Town, Tue 24 Jan
He’s been a long time coming, but tonight unassuming songsmith Jim Noir finally graces a London stage...»

GoodBooks at London The Tatty Bogle, Sat 21 Jan
Lolloping around a sweaty, nicotine-stained basement just off Carnaby Street, listening to fiercely loud streams of good music whilst awaiting the arrival of an exciting, new band has always been a superb way to spend one’s Saturday night...»

The Tailors, The Rumble Strips, The Bishops at London Borderline, Wed 18 Jan
If you see this band live, I defy you not to have a good time...»

Antony And The Johnsons at London Shepherds Bush Empire, Mon 05 Dec
The Mercury prize-winning mystery man from Manhattan shows how it should be done...»

Girls Aloud - Chemistry
Girls Aloud are collectively one of Britain’s mainstream pop saviours...»
Milburn at London Camden Barfly, Sat 12 Nov
Milburn cause complete crowd chaos...the kids are alright»

Babyshambles - Down In Albion
So Mr. Doherty - drug addled star, walking disaster, the persistent no-show, the sweet lost boy and the evil, maniacal waster. Now’s your chance to prove us wrong, show us that all the superficial bullshit has been worth taking, all the disappointments have been part of the plan and all this doe-eyed derangement isn’t just facilitating the rot. Give us some music worth remembering!»
Kate Bush - King Of The Mountain
There’s my idea of taking a break and there’s your idea of taking a break. And then there’s Kate Bush’s idea of taking a break...»
King Of The Mountain
There’s my idea of taking a break and there’s your idea of taking a break. And then there’s Kate Bush’s idea of taking a break...»

Bob Dylan - No Direction Home
Shoulders hunched, jaw locked tight, face framed by a wiry mop of electrified curls, staring through a pair of dark sunglasses, Bob Dylan stands, cold and wet, waiting for the camera to click...»

The Rolling Stones - A Bigger Bang
186 years old and still (sort of) rocking...»

Milburn - Showroom / Storm In A Tea Cup
Considering I'm becoming bored s**tless with bands who endlessly string out their single note riffs and bastardised Gang of Four licks - seemingly to try and force us all back into The Winter Of Discontent - Milburn's debut 45 comes as something of a surprise..»

The Bravery - Unconditional
Bollocks to The Bravery! - They. Got. No. Soul...»

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Howl
And so the monochrome messrs of shadowy rock 'n’ roll return with a brand new label and a brand new album. Can Black Rebel Motorcycle Club wipe away the big woopsie that was Take Them On, On Your Own and recapture the edge of their debut?»

Babyshambles - F**k Forever
If 'F**k Forever’ is a sonic precursor to Babyshambles’ full length album - expected sometime before 2015 - then God help iPods across the land...»

Field Music - Field Music
Those who thought the long overdue success of ‘The Futureheads’ and the recent rise of the increasingly mega Maximo Park were merely locational coincidences, will now be proved very wrong indeed. Because, here, continuing the North East's take over of British pop is the startling debut LP from Field Music...»

Shout Out Louds - Very Loud
If their debut UK single is anything to go by, this bunch of Swedes look set to infect us all with a rather potent strain of beamy guitar pop...»

The Magic Numbers - The Magic Numbers
If current Brit Pack leaders Kaiser Chiefs and Bloc Party have been heading down the road of success in a slick, pimped up Hummer, Michelle, Sean, Angela, and Romeo (cartoon order) are poised neatly on their wing, sitting in the back of a dust cart with an acoustic in hand, listening to The Staple Singers seep from the radio...»
The Lancaster Bombers at London Boogaloo, Mon 18 Apr
This is The Lancaster Bombers first gig and their wiry, contorting singer takes the stage looking like a starved sex pest who’s about to really f**k things up...»