I hate defining a band’s sound – it’s not just rock ‘n’ indie now y’know; there are a million different sub-genres out there just to confuse the hell outta me. I’m going to make it my mission to find a nu-pop-quirk-core band. Grrrrrr.
So, to everyone who has dismissed Panic! At The Disco as emo, please read on (or alternatively, fuck off back to the Arctic Monkeys). P!ATD are NOT emo, despite all the signs that deceptively point to exactly that (the long song titles, they’re just bairns, and are as cute as hell). P!ATD defy genre stereotypes and are exactly what good, clean, fun pop music is all about.
‘I Write Sins Not Tragedies’ is one of the highlights from their debut album A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out. The plinky-plonky strings, the emphatic vocals (there’s no better lyric than “What a shame the poor grooms-bride is a whore!”), the driving guitars, the layers of drums, strings and piano rocketing into an absurdly catchy chorus, the careful intonation of the lyrics – piquing interest, showing passion, energy and soul – it’s all crammed in to showcase P!ATD’s amazing talent of writing a perfect pop song.
Call them what you like if you really have to pigeonhole them, but whatever you do just listen to Panic! At The Disco. If you’re not in awe of such a young band doing something innovative and exciting, then you’ve no imagination and deserve to listen to James Blunt until the day you die.
8Claire Dupree's Score