What can you say about a band who during the course of their career were reputed to have sold more t-shirts than they did combined album and single sales? A band that fitted into the musical landscape of the 80’s and 90’s so well yet still stick out like a rusty nail jammed up your left nostril. Using of artwork and logo’s as a marketing tool in a manner ahead of their time PWEI left a caustic stain on the face of the recording industry, in effect beating it at its own game.
'Wise Up Suckers' sees PWEI collecting together 17 of their best tracks released through their career that manage to combine elements of dub and house stuck together with a rock exterior. Every track on this compilation makes you want to dance - every track is a classic in its own right, showing the development of the band through their career. ‘Wake Up Time To Die’ and ‘Wise Up Sucker’ fill you with a sense of overpowering rebellion and aggression whilst at the other extreme ‘Cicciolina’ and ‘Inject Me’ just makes you want to sit down and dream of crazy electronic sheep.
7's Score