I’m loving this more and more with every listen. In fact, it’s been in my CD player fairly solidly since I got it - it’s one of those cds which sinks in deeper with each hearing.
Driven, angry rock with an edge of bitter melancholy to it, Sufferkiss are masters of songs which build up and build up to a sound-explosion which utterly exhilarates you despite the fact that you knew it was coming… and then does the same thing every single time you hear it. At the moment I’m mostly loving the final track: the dark, evil sounding and frankly fucking scary ‘_Think of Me_’. It sounds like it holds a grudge against everything in the world and is about to act on it, starting with a repetitive and resigned-sounding guitar riff and then growing more threatening and brooding than you’d think it was possible for a few lumps of wood and string and a set of vocal chords to sound.
You can catch Sufferkiss live in Northampton on December 12th, and in Derby on December 23rd, check out their website for details and for downloads of demo tracks...
8's Score