What can you say about four blokes from Liverpool without bringing in The Beatles? Well, that these four blokes are nothing like them, at all. Walking With Thee is Clinic's second album and, quite frankly, it doesn't really make you want to buy their first.
'Harmony' starts off all sinister-like, similar to the score on a horror movie and the vocals of Ade Blackburn add to that. Interesting.
A lot of the songs have this similar sound too, with a broken up beat and an accompaniment of keyboards, clarinets and other things. Some even have a weird drum 'n bass thing going on. Influences from the 60's are definitely apparent especially in 'Welcome Pet' and 'The Vulture'. 'For The Wars' has Simon and Garfunkel written all over it, and 'Come Into Our Room', with it's 80's style keyboard and electronic beats, sounds like the theme tune from Gremlins.
It really is difficult to say where this album fits in. Maybe that is a good thing, being different and unique. But in order to be like this, you need something that grabs you and makes you listen... Walking With Thee doesn't. It just tends to leave a big blur.
4Pam Leader's Score