Staff Reviews

The Drink - Company
Company’s strongest moments are up there with the best indie-pop songs of 2014»
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Few bands cause Rough Trade to toss their rulebook out the window, but upon hearing the arresting sound of two handmade EPs by London trio The Drink, we did just that. Newly signed to Melodic, The Drink now intoxicate further with the arrival of 'Company'; their gloriously inventive debut album. Collecting together those now-unavailable EPs, 'Company' has an inimitable, wayward sound drawn from the chaos of real life. In the way bands such as Deerhoof are revered for their unusual sonic approach, The Drink celebrate beauty in oddness through their use of bold syncopated rhythms, strange time signatures and complex structures, via a love of artists from Joanna Newsom to The Breeders and Captain Beefheart. While many lose their sense of melodic direction labouring to create an intriguing experimental sound, on 'Company' it never wanes through the band's boundless energy, reverberating basslines and unforgettably spontaneous fusion of American and English indie rock with Irish folk leanings. For fans of Life Without Buildings and Throwing Muses.
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