Staff Reviews

Gus Gus - 24/7
“I wanna make you happy cos I like you a lot” sing GusGus, which just goes to show it’s all about context really. In another time »
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following a whirlwind history spanning more than a decade, one of dance music's most notorious acts has joined forces with kompakt following an illustrious run of releases on 4ad, pineapple and great stuff. '24 / 7' is a matured journey for this legendary icelandic trio. 6 songs spanning over 50 minutes showcasing their wealth of musical knowledge in creating some of the most turbulent, engrossing pop-techno-house tunes in dance music history. 'thin ice' breaks through with it's throbbing bass line - daniel agust returns for the first time since the 4ad years with his triumphant vocal chorus 'i feel like dancing!' that sets the tone for the rest of the album. their northern souls shine with 'hateful' - a submerged sounding roller coaster that brings forth their remarkable tact for balancing unnerving frequencies with the bliss of modern pop songwriting. gus gus cover the classic jimi tenor tune 'take me baby' and go the extra mile by enlisting tenor to sing his own song! the result is a modern techno / house floor smasher. the first single 'add this song' finishes off '24 / 7' and is one of the album's true shining moments - the emotional persuasiveness of daniel agust's voice will caress anyone through this blissful electro-fied opus.
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