It disappeared on Thursday. They blame lack of advertising as the problem.
"Far and away the biggest obstacle to our cash flow was the slowness in which the advertising came in," says founder Mark Shipman, adding, "by the time we finally had the agencies interested, time was running out, hence our decision to come off air."
"We thought it better to take p-rock TV off air to re-group and re-launch with the correct amount of financial backing. We have proved the concept is strong but you can't run a channel on a shoestring budget."
The p-rock founders started the business with no previous TV experience, on a budget of £2,500. By the end of its life, it was averaging 600,000 viewers per week.
Full details of the closure are on their site: (UPDATE FROM THE FUTURE: their website has been taken offline!)
DiScuss: Were you a viewer? Are you unhappy? Did you prefer Kerrang! TV anyway? Do you care?