This weekend, DiS-tipped FEMME will be bringing her live show and mini dance troupe to The Great Escape to perform on the DiS curated bill at Digital (Friday night, 8pm). We were a bit afraid that we wouldn't have the moves to join in, so we asked FEMME to share some of her favourite dance steps.
Before we get to the tuition, here's a quick reminder as to why we're such big FEMME fans at DiS HQ:
FEMME's Guide to Getting Down
"See you there at 9pm. They're on stage at 9:20 so don't be late." and inevitably 9:45pm swings round, there's no sign of your sistas and as cruel fate would have it you are dancing on your own for a glorious 45 to your new favourite band.
But never fear. Here is my ultimate guide to getting down at gigs. With these moves that awkward 45 will fly by, and by the time your company does arrive you will be on fire. Untouchable. Absolutely invincible. LORD OF THE DANCE.
"Hey! Over here! I've just got here."

"Oh, well I'm just warming up. Don't worry, my friends will be here soon."

"Yeah, you think this is neat? Wait till my girls arrive."

"BAM! I told you so"

"This party is jumpin'"


...And then everyone goes home and it's just you, the house lights and what is left of the lazer beams.

. @thegreatescape is this weekend. We're playing @DrownedinSound stage FRIDAY 8pm at @Digital_Club. Don't miss it.
— FEMME (@FEMMEHQ) May 6, 2014