So we all know that "Panda" was very much the animal de jour for indie musicians recently and perhaps now it's something like "bees" or "bear" - they were pretty popular for a while, too. You must've contemplated as much and, in doing so, wondered to yourself "which animal features in the most band names?". Well, the good news is now that we have some quantifiable if perhaps dubious results, thanks to a question on Quora.
Surprised? Well I was. Bothered? Not particularly. Below is the full list, plurals included, with the number of occurrences.
- 948 jay:925 jays:23
- 454 dog:289 dogs:165
- 424 cat:260 cats:164
- 297 wolf:255 wolves:42
- 277 fox:266 foxes:11
- 240 bird:142 birds:98
- 213 monkey:145 monkeys:68
- 208 fisher:206 fishers:2
- 204 human:204 humen:0
- 191 bear:145 bears:46
I am certain, absolutely certain that "humen" is not the plural of "human" but we'll let that one go. Happy Friday, people.