Fresh from a fantastic set on our stage at last weekend's Summer Sundae festival, The Futureheads have put themselves up for auction. In a way. Not exactly completely under the command of someone else, but they will play an acoustic gig. But how and why? More on that from Ross Millard below:
"We're working with Metro Radio & Magic 1152 on behalf of St Oswald's Hospice, a charity that supports children and families who are suffering life limiting and life threatening illnesses, on a 'money can't buy' auction extravaganza."
What's the prize? It is a full and private Futureheads gig - acoustic - to the highest bidder. This could be, as Ross points out, in any number of places. Millard adds:
"I should add that we've never done this before, but St Oswalds Hospice offers such an important facility that we felt that we needed to get involved and we reckon that this is the most fun way we can offer our help and services!"
Metro Radio's 'Cash For Kids' programme is aiming to raise £35,000 to support disadvantaged and disabled children in the North East of England, so it's a worthwhile cause and all, whether you're from the North East or not. Click here to visit that website and here to visit the proper auction page.
Erm, be quick, by the way - as the auction ends at 9AM on Tuesday August 17, which is tomorrow.