The remainder of Kurt Cobain's ashes have been stolen from Courtney Love's Hollywood mansion, where they'd been stored in "a pink teddybear-shaped handbag". "I can't believe anyone would take Kurt's ashes from me," Courtney tells the News Of The World. "I find it disgusting and right now I'm suicidal. If I don't get them back I don't know what I'll do."
In other memory pillaging news, Converse have released pictures of their brand new and quite wrong Cobain line, featuring scribbled Nirvana lyrics, Kurt's drawings and pre-installed "wear and fray". They're available online and in shoe shops in the States soon. Look how nice they are:

Keeping it corporate, Converse have also just revealed their Grateful Dead trainers and The Doors manager revealed that they're doing a themed pair, as are The Beatles.
Meanwhile, in CourtneyLand, the singer is living out a muso drama on her always-entertaining, not always comprehensible MySpace blog. She appears to have lost her bassist - careless - and needs a new one one to finish that long-promised album. But there are conditions. Ladies only - "sorry to sound gender biased but dudes ONLY this time for reasons i shall keep to myself", and this 'dude' must be seriously talented: "GO LISTEN to ZEPPELIN 2 and 3 and Verve "Urban Hymms" and Blood On The Tracks and dare i say it Nevermind, and the Sp early early Gish nineties song "Rhinocerus" wich has the most pinpointed perfect dynamics EVER and if you can compete with THAT bunch get back to us asap!"
Applications to a man named Chris via her official MySpace; those wearing Kurt Converses get fast-tracked.
DiScuss: Conver..kerchiiiing? How much for an ounce of Cobain's ashes?