According to the research of US academics, our beloved time wasting websites MySpace and Facebook are increasingly splitting along class lines.
Danah Boyd, a researcher at the University of California, says their users are now split on the basis of social and economic backgrounds. Her paper, published this week, said that typical Facebook users "tend to come from families who emphasise education and going to college. They are primarily white, but not exclusively". MySpace, meanwhile, "is still home for Latino and Hispanic teens, immigrant teens" as well as "other kids who didn't play into the dominant high school popularity paradigm".
Facebook – everyone’s new favourite interweb site - was started by Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg. It now has 3.5 million UK users. Until last year membership was limited to university students and individuals with an email address from an academic institution.
To be honest, though, we all know that MySpace is only used by shit bands and spammers, don’t we?
Who still has a Friendster account?
We used a picture of E from Eels. He looks trampy. Therefore he probably only uses MySpace.