Squeaky-clean popper-cum-actress Hilary Duff, known to legions of pre-teen girls for her role as Lizzie McGuire, has accused her peers of being too raunchy, reports Ananova.
Duff, all of 17 years old and pictured, said: "I definitely do not think taking your clothes off or going out and getting wasted every night is a sign of maturity."
The subjects of her displeasure: Britney Spears and Daisy Duke 'erself Jessica Simpson. Duff reckons they're immature and that they'll regret their naughty on-stage antics.
Duff continued: "I do not want to look back years from now and go, 'Ugh, that's so embarrassing.'" Maybe she should... um... listen to her own records...?
Fuck me, this is like shooting dead ducks in a barrel of Bovril.
In totally related but not really news, Duff held on to her Number One slot on the US album chart this week. Her best-of compilation, Most Wanted, shifted 101,000 copies. It contains a song, 'Wake Up', written by the Madden brothers from Good Charlotte.
DiScuss: Anyone want to go to the pub?